Wednesday, March 01, 2006


A reader writes:

Hey! I am a Freshmen in high school and am continuing with my passion for

acting. I am taking a theater class and as well as continuing to Theater 2
next year.I have made both the musical and drama this year! We have been
doing an improv unit which I think is AWESOME!!But I tend to get extremely
excited before I act. I am not sure if nerves play a role with this or
affects my performance negatively. I guess I have sooo much energy that
wants to let loose. Plus I love and look forward getting up. I was wondering
if you think that this could hinder my performance in any way, and if there
are any exercises that could help.Or maybe it's okay to feel like that?!

And I say:

Thanks for checking out my Acting Tips page. Congratulations on making it to Theatre 2 with both the musical and the drama.!

I always get nervous getting on stage (or in front of a camera) but after a while you get more comfortable and find ways to get around the jitters. Some people recommend tricks to psyche yourself up--I think Laurence Olivier used to curse out the audience from behind the curtain before he entered--but I think the best way is just to keep getting on stage.

You say you think you might be brining too much energy to the stage. A good director will point it out. In improv its very easy to let it loose be loud and crazy to the point of distracting your castmates and the audience. But I think the number one thing in improv is listening to what is going on in the game or the scene. Try to watch out for talking over another person or doing what the comedy pros call 'showboating," where you take all the attention away from the other performers by performing siomething wild and crazy.

If you like improv because it gives you a chance to yell and run around, I would recommend doing this as an exersize before you perform to get it all out. you really need to be focused on what your castmates are doing so you can react and play off what is presented in the game or scene.

A lot of people are tempted to just be loud. I am guilty of this is as well. Nine times out of ten, this just doesn't work as the performer would like. It's best to hone this energy, but the only thing I can think of is just to keep getting out there.

Also, don't feel bad about having too much energy if you wait and pay attention to what is going on you'll find a way to use it.


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